1. Read carefully the policies on canceling business restrictions and unsubscribing from relevant service platforms to ensure that you understand the relevant processes and requirements.
2. There is no option to cancel business restrictions or unsubscribe from membership on the platform. Try to contact the customer service department through the customer service phone, online chat or email provided by the platform. Describe the problem in detail and ask for their help.
If you still can't get a satisfactory solution, you can try to contact the bank or credit card company. They can help and cancel related payments or membership subscriptions.
4. You have subscribed to a member or enterprise service through a third-party service provider. You can also try to contact a third-party service provider, explain the situation to them and ask to cancel the subscription. Members refer to members who join organizations, institutions or services. Members enjoy certain privileges, preferences or rights and interests, depending on the provisions of the organizations or institutions they join.