In modern society, having a credit card will indeed bring great convenience to your life, whether it is daily life or when you are getting married or decorating, which requires a lot of money. But many people don't know who can apply for a credit card. Next, I will introduce how to apply for an Industrial Bank credit card and the application conditions.
Age requirements for Industrial Bank credit card applicants: The main card applicant must be a domestic person between 18 and 60 years old or an overseas person between 25 and 60 years old.
Applicants must hold a valid ID card, no bad credit record, and a proof of employment, which must bear the official seal of the unit.
When applying for an Industrial Bank credit card, the card applicant must bring an ID card or other documents that can prove your identity. For example, foreigners can hold a passport; work certification documents can be business cards, work permits, and stamped with the official seal of the unit. Work certificates, labor contracts, etc.; income certificate documents or financial resources certificate documents.
It is especially important to note that the identity document needs to be within the validity period.
If you go to a bank branch to apply directly, don’t forget to bring these documents. Income certification documents and financial resources certification documents are optional, but the more fully prepared the materials, the better. Assuming that you not only provide proof of income, but also provide proof of property and vehicles in your name, the probability of approval will be greater. Complete information is essential for the bank to decide the credit limit for you. It's important.