If you do not intend to use your credit card, apply to the card issuing bank for cancellation. However, before canceling the card, you must pay off all outstanding balances on the card and withdraw all excess funds. Then cut off the magnetic strip and throw it away. Of course, customers can also choose not to cancel the card. However, if the credit card is not canceled, the bank will continue to deduct annual fees, and the cardholder's failure to repay in time will result in overdue payments. However, if it is a card with an annual fee waived, then even if the customer does not use the card, there is no need to cancel it. He can continue to keep the card for emergencies. For those credit cards that still require an annual fee, customers can keep the card if they don't mind paying the annual fee every year after not using it. If there is no such plan, it is best to log out.