Being one day late on a credit card payment may have consequences, which are usually related to the specific credit card issuer's policies. Generally speaking, if you make a late payment, you may be charged certain late fees or interest, and it may have an impact on your credit rating, which may make it harder to get a loan or credit card, or pay a higher interest rate. Additionally, if you are continuously overdue, your credit card account may be closed or, in more serious cases, you may be sued for debt collection.
In addition, I would like to remind everyone that it is also very important to check your personal credit status in a timely manner. You can check it through tools such as Beijian Quick Check. As long as you find Beijian Quick Check, you can query your online loan big data report with one click. It will contain important data such as your credit rating score, whether there is a blacklist, etc. This can help you better manage and improve yourself. credit rating for better access to financial products such as loans and credit cards.