Before canceling the credit card (debit card), be sure to make sure that there is no balance, no debt and no extra deposit in the credit card (debit card). Because once a credit card (debit card) has a balance, it cannot be cancelled. You can call the customer service of the bank and ask if there is any balance in the card and how much. If there is a balance, it should be paid off in time. If you have a deposit, you should withdraw it.
Step 1: Call the customer service phone of the bank and apply for cancellation of the credit card (debit card). Note that at this time, bank customer service will generally retain you. If you decide to cancel your card, don't listen to him "fool" and insist on canceling it.
Step 2: There will be a settlement period of 30 -45 days from the telephone application cancellation to the formal cancellation. Never use a credit card (debit card) again during this period.
Step 3: 40 days after the cancellation, call the bank customer service phone to confirm whether the cancellation is successful, so as to avoid leaving a bad record for yourself because of the unsuccessful cancellation for special reasons.
Step 4: Don't throw away the cancelled credit card (debit card). Cut the magnetic stripe and throw it away, so as not to be picked up by criminals and cause losses to yourself. Disclaimer: The article comes from the Internet and is only for users to learn and communicate. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.