It doesn't matter if there are three people for the time being. As long as you have been to work before and there is no problem with your personal credit information, you can apply for a credit card as long as you fill in the information accurately. If you didn't have a job before and now, you can try to deposit your savings in a debit card. You can also apply for a credit card if you often use it to generate bank running water. Details of card issuance are subject to bank review.
There are certain conditions for applying for a credit card. If it does not meet the requirements, it may be rejected. Credit cards are not allowed. In fact, there are still ways to apply for online loans. The applicant needs a bank, no collateral and no job. They deposit more than 2,000 yuan in the bank card every month and keep it in the bank for half a year. This can prove that you have the ability to repay, and some online lending platforms have the opportunity.