After using the credit limit of a credit card for overdraft consumption, repayment is required. If the repayment is not made on time, it will be regarded as overdue. There are many repayment methods for credit cards, such as repaying the full amount on time when it is due, in which case it is interest-free; you can also choose the minimum repayment, in which case the remaining unpaid portion will be subject to interest; finally, you can If you choose to repay in installments, you only need to pay the installment fee. So what is the reason why the credit card cannot be repaid in installments?
Why can't the credit card be repaid in installments?
1. The bill amount of the user's credit card does not meet the installment standard. Credit card installments have a threshold amount. Only the bill amount of at least 500 yuan and above can be repaid in installments.
2 The user's credit card bill amount has already been processed for installment repayment or minimum repayment. Minimum repayment and installment repayment cannot be repeated. The remaining repayment amount after the minimum payment must be repaid in full in the next bill at the latest.
3 Merchants using credit cards do not support credit card installment repayment, which means that bills consumed at this merchant cannot be paid in installments.
4 Credit card bills do not meet the installment requirements. For example, annual fees, recurring interest, and handling fees cannot be repaid in installments. Only normal consumption bills can be repaid in installments.
When the credit card cannot be used for installment, in order to avoid the occurrence of overdue credit cards, it is recommended that cardholders can directly repay the credit card bill in full, which can also save part of the interest or handling fees.
The above is an introduction to credit card installment, I hope it can be helpful.