A credit card balance is generally considered overdue after three days. If there is a grace period, it is not overdue if you are late within the grace period; but if the loan bank has strict regulations, it is considered overdue if you are late by one day. If there is a credit card institution with a repayment grace period, as long as the loan repayment time it applies for does not exceed the repayment grace period, it will not be considered overdue and will not be listed in the credit reporting system for the time being.
Legal Basis
Article 577 of the Civil Code
If a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its contractual obligations inconsistently with the agreement, it shall bear the liability Continue to perform, take remedial measures or compensate for losses and other breach of contract obligations.
Article 578
If one party expressly states or shows by its own behavior that it will not perform its contractual obligations, the other party may request it to bear liability for breach of contract before the expiration of the performance period.