Credit cards, as a tool for people to spend nowadays, are handled by many people, and many people often apply for credit cards directly online in order to avoid trouble. Now, if you apply for a credit card online, in addition to the bank official website, you can also apply for a credit card on WeChat and Alipay, and many people apply for a card through Alipay. And someone asked before: Which is better for Alipay credit card? What are the requirements? which is better for AliPay credit card? There are many credit cards that Alipay can support, such as China Merchants Bank, China Everbright Bank, Minsheng Bank, Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China CITIC Bank, China Guangfa Bank, Huaxia Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. However, Alipay credit cards are the best for China Everbright Bank, Minsheng Bank and Industrial Bank. Because these three banks can basically approve in seconds, the pass rate is the largest. Like the credit card of China Everbright Bank, you can apply if the sesame credit score reaches 62, and the types of cards you can apply for are rich and the amount is not low. For example, China Everbright Fortune Card is a very good choice. If Alipay Credit Card handles the credit cards of Minsheng Bank and Industrial Bank, Sesame Credit Card can be processed as long as 6 points. If it is processed, it is the easiest to apply for a general card, and the pass rate is quite high.
what are the requirements for AliPay credit card processing? As can be seen from the previous article, the most important condition for Alipay credit card processing is sesame credit score, which can only be processed if it meets the requirements, generally about 6 points are required. In addition, the requirements for Alipay credit card processing are not high, unlike banks, which have strict credit conditions for applicants. Therefore, those with average credit conditions can apply for a card through Alipay. The above is for "Which is better for Alipay credit card?" The answer. There are many banks that support Alipay credit cards, such as Everbright, Minsheng and Xingye, which are all very good. As long as your sesame credit score reaches the standard and there is no big credit problem, you can do it easily.