Now the loan industry is developing very fast, and countless loan products emerge every day. Loans and credit cards have become two indispensable credit products in people's daily life. Some users want to know, is it appropriate to pay back the credit card if using the loan? Because there are card debts to be repaid every month, it can relieve a lot of pressure to repay the arrears with loans. Never seen, any bank will not stipulate the purpose of the loan, requiring that the loan can only be used for consumption, business, etc., and can not be used for illegal accounts, improper use in violation of regulatory provisions, or failure to cooperate with bank investigations. It is easy to directly freeze the line, and the arrears under the name may be settled in one lump sum. 1. Repaying a loan with a credit card is the same as repaying a loan with a loan. This way of quenching thirst by drinking poison is not desirable, and it will only make the debt get bigger and bigger, and finally get out of hand.
2. If your method is simple, it may be discovered by the bank. For example, the loan amount is similar to the credit card debt, which can be found from the credit information. Then the bank may cancel the line immediately, and all the debts under its name must be settled in advance, including fees and interest, which will put the borrower under great pressure.
3. Repayment pressure Some people are used to using loans or credit cards to solve the capital problem, which may lead to the point that loans are not available, because loans are not so flexible. If the capital chain is broken, it may lead to heavy debts, and the consequences will be unmanageable.
4. Banks with black credit information have high requirements for users' integrity. If this kind of receipt behavior is found, it may be directly blacklisted, and it will be difficult to handle credit business in the future.