Usually credit cards are valid for two years or more, and the validity period will be marked on the front of the credit card. Once it expires, the credit card can no longer be used. According to the statistics of Ningbo UnionPay, by the end of June 2009, there were more than 4.2 million credit cards in the city. So please take out your credit card and see if it has expired, so as not to affect your normal credit card consumption.
When the credit card expires, each bank will take different measures. Before the Bank of Ningbo credit card expires, the bank will re-evaluate the credit of the cardholder. For those who meet the requirements for card replacement, Bank of Ningbo will replace the card for you free of charge. After you get a new card, the bank will recheck your registration information, and then you need to reactivate the new card before it can be used normally. If your credit card has expired and you don't want to continue using it, you can send back a receipt that you don't want to change, and the bank won't issue you a new card. Or you can take your old card and ID card and cancel it at your card outlet.