-& gt; International part
Foreign exchange cash loan foreign exchange
Commodity name commodity code category commodity name commodity code category
Makemake foreign exchange, finance $ TERM foreign exchange, finance
Yen YN foreign exchange, finance $ Yen JY foreign exchange, finance
British pound British foreign exchange, finance $ British pound British petroleum foreign exchange, finance
Swiss franc foreign exchange, finance $ Swiss franc CF foreign exchange, finance
Canadian dollar CD foreign exchange, finance $ French currency FF foreign exchange, finance
Australian dollar AD foreign exchange, finance $ Hong Kong dollar HK foreign exchange, finance
Danish DK foreign exchange and finance $ Dutch DF foreign exchange and finance
Swedish krona foreign exchange, finance $ Norwegian krona foreign exchange, finance
New Zealand dollar new Zealand dollar foreign exchange, financial $ lira IL foreign exchange, financial
Billy BF foreign exchange, finance $ western currency SP foreign exchange, finance
Australian currency as foreign exchange, financial $ star currency SD foreign exchange, finance
RM MR foreign exchange, finance t mark DMNT foreign exchange, finance
Japanese yen foreign exchange, financial pound foreign exchange, finance
Swiss franc SFNT foreign exchange, finance
Foreign exchange is lending precious metals.
Commodity name commodity code category commodity name commodity code category
# Gold AU foreign exchange, finance # Silver AG foreign exchange, finance
# Platinum PT foreign exchange, finance # Palladium PA foreign exchange, finance
# Hong Kong Gold GT Foreign Exchange and Finance
American foreign exchange credit exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
# Dollar DINI Index, Finance, Futures
Dollar DXN* H, m, u, z index, finance, futures
singapore international monetary exchange ltd
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
# Nikkei, Finance, Futures
Nikkei, finance, futures.
Tokyo industrial commodity exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Rubber RBT futures
Cotton futures futures
Gold GLT* F, g, h, j, k, m, n, q, u, v, x, z futures.
J platinum PLT* F, g, h, j, k, m, n, q, u, v, x, z futures.
J silver SLT* F, g, h, j, k, m, n, q, u, v, x, z futures.
COMEX the New York Mercantile Exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Copper futures, precious metals
Gold GLN* F, g, h, j, k, m, n, q, u, v, x, z futures, precious metals.
Silver SLN* F, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z futures, precious metals.
CBOT Chicago Board of Trade
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Corn futures
Soybean SBC* F, h, k, n, q, u, x futures
Soybean powder SMC* F, h, k, n, q, u, v, z futures
s oil
Wheat WHC futures
Oat OTC * H, K, N, U, Z futures
Bond TBC* H, M, U, Z futures
Ten bonds TTC* H, M, U, Z futures
City bond MUC* H, M, U, Z futures
# MMI Futures Exchange
Mmmixc * f, g, h, j, k, m, n, q, u, v, x, z futures.
CSCE new york Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Cocoa CCN futures
CFN Coffee Futures Company
Nuoertang SGN Futures Company
NYCE new york cotton exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Cotton CTN futures
Orange juice futures
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Euro EDC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange and finance
Mark DMC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
Yen YNC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
Swiss Securities Regulatory Commission * H, M, U, Z Foreign Exchange and Finance
Sterling UKC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
Australian dollar AOC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
Canadian CDC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
# S & ampS2CI Index, Finance, Futures
Standard & Poor's. P SPC* H, m, u, z foreign exchange, finance
Timber LBC* F, h, k, n, u, x futures
Live cattle LCC* F, G, J, M, Q, V, Z futures
Cattle FCC* F, h, j, k, q, u, v, x futures
Pig breast PBC futures
Pig HGC* G, J, M, N, Q, V, Z futures
Treasury bonds * H, M, U, Z futures
NYMEX the New York Mercantile Exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
Platinum futures
Palladium PAN* H, m, u, z futures
Fuel oil futures.
Gasoline gun * G, j, m, q, v, z futures
Crude oil futures.
LME London Metal Exchange
Commodity name commodity code category commodity name commodity code
Spot price 3 microliters copper LCPT precious metal, futures # London copper CPRC
3 microliters lead LLDT precious metal futures # London lead LDRC
3MUT Zinc LZNT precious metal futures # londonzinczrc
3 Aluminum LALT Precious Metals Futures in China # London Aluminum ALRC
3 microliters of nickel LNKT precious metal, futures # London Nickel NKRC
3ml Tin LTNT Precious Metals Futures # London Tin TNRC
3M mixed aluminum LAAT precious metal, futures # mixed aluminum AARC
March 3rd London copper LCPM precious metal futures
Futures quotation 3 London lead LLDM precious metals, futures
3 London zinc LZNM precious metal futures
3 London aluminum LALM precious metal futures
3 London Nickel LNKM Precious Metals Futures
3 London Tin LTNM Precious Metals Futures
3 aluminum alloy LAAM precious metal futures
/kloc-October/May London copper LCPU precious metal futures
Futures quotation 15 London lead LLDU precious metals, futures
15 London zinc LZNU precious metals, futures
15 London aluminum lalu precious metals futures
15 London nickel LNKU precious metal futures
15 London tin LTNU precious metal futures
15 aluminum alloy LAAU precious metal futures
London copper LCPZ precious metal futures on July 27th
Futures quotation 27 London lead LLDZ precious metals, futures
27 London zinc LZNZ precious metal futures
27 London aluminum LALZ precious metal futures
London nickel LNKZ precious metal futures
27 London Tin Co., Ltd. Precious Metal Futures
LAAZ precious metal futures of 27 aluminum alloy
London international futures financial exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
London FTLI index, finance, futures
NYFE new York futures exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
#CRB CRNI futures company
CRB CRN* H, k, m, n, u, z futures
NYSE new york Stock Exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
CIN CIN* H, m, u, z futures
# Dow Jones INDI Index, Finance, Futures
HKFE Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Commodity Name Commodity Code Transaction Month Category
# Hang Seng Index, Finance, Futures
Hang Seng Index, Finance, Futures
Information code table->; Domestic futures
Zhengzhou goods
Commodity Name Commodity Code Delivery Month
Wheat 2 * 0A 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1 1
Corn 2 * 0b 1, 3,5,7,9, 1 1
Mung bean 2 * 0d 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1 1
Peanut 2 * 0F 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1 1
Shanghai metal
Commodity Name Commodity Code Delivery Month
Copper futures 3 * 0 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1 1, 12.
Copper is 3 * 02 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
Zinc 3 * 04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10,1,12.
Tin 3 * 05 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
Nickel futures 3 * 06 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
The phase lead is 3 * 07 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
Aluminum phases 3 * 08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 16, 5438+02.
Dalian goods
Commodity Name Commodity Code Delivery Month
Corn 5 * 011347911
Soybean 5 * 02 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 1 1
Shanghai goods
Commodity Name Commodity Code Delivery Month
Rubber sheets c * JB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
Natural rubber C * NR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1,12.
China Goods Trading Market (Spot) (Huayuan)
Commodity name commodity code
Shanghai tianjiao HYTJ03
Shanghai wire rod HYML03
Beijing mung bean hild01
Shenyang japonica rice HYJM05
Beijing red bean HYHD0 1
Chongqing sorghum HYGL06
Guangzhou soybean meal HYDP04
Zhengzhou soybean HYDD02
Shanghai copper HYCU03
Zhengzhou Tang hybt 02
Guangzhou aluminum factory