Score review instructions
Candidates can apply for score review services within 20 days after the results are announced. Applications will not be accepted after the specified time. Score review is limited to checking and verifying the correctness of various questions, calculation and totaling of scores, and whether there are errors in login. The score after score review is the final score and cannot be reviewed again.
A service fee of 20 yuan is required for score review, and the examination company will issue a score review report within 3 working days. Candidates please log in to the query platform again 3 working days after payment.
Futures practitioner qualification score review process:
1. Use WeChat to follow the ATA customer service official account
2. Click the function menu "Exam Service" in the lower left corner of the official account →Futures Practitioner Examination;
3. Click on Futures Examination Score Review;
4. Click on the Score Inquiry Platform to apply and complete the fee payment;
5. Wait for three working days for the report to be reviewed, and the review is expected to be completed within three working days;
6. After the review is completed, click on the function menu "Examination Service" in the lower left corner → Futures Practitioner Examination" → Futures Examination score review → Log in to the score query platform to view the review results.
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