Description of the hourly chart of the proportion of long and short positions in foreign exchange currency: see screenshot.
Now display (based on statistical time),? Changes in long and short positions in various currencies.
Displays the current positions of long and short contracts in major currencies (for example, USD/JPY is in the 30% area, which means that multiple contracts account for 70% and empty contracts account for 30%? . ? Another example is that the GBP/USD is in the 60% area, which means that multiple contracts account for 40% and empty contracts account for 60%.
Represents the proportion of various currencies in the transaction volume of shopping malls (for example, USD/JPY accounts for about 15% of the current market transaction share). Is this an analysis sheet? Can let you see, what are the most willing currencies to trade now?
Which is better, financial management or finance?
The financial major requires a little more mathematics than financial management.
I am a financial