1, tomorrow
Pronunciation: English [t? m? r? ] beauty [t? 'm? ro? ]
Interpretation: Tomorrow? Tomorrow; future
Example: We will play basketball tomorrow.
We will play basketball tomorrow.
2. The future?
Pronunciation: English ['fju? t? (r)] beauty ['fju? t? r]
Example: the future? N. the future; Future; future
Don't think about your future needs.
Don't worry about future needs.
3. era?
Pronunciation: English ['? r? ] beauty ['? r? ]
Interpretation: n. era; Times; age
We live in the computer age.
We live in the computer age.
4. Ten years?
Pronunciation: English ['Deke? D] beauty ['Deco? d]
Interpretation: Ten years
It's been 70 years since I graduated from college.
It has been decades since I graduated from college.
5. Time
Pronunciation: English [ta? M] beauty [ta? m]
Interpretation: n. time; Times; Period; Times; Number of times; beat
Arrange time for; Timing; Hit the ball at a certain moment
Time-dependent; Timing; Installment payment; journal
Only time will tell whether you are right or not.
Only time will tell whether you are right or not.