1. The underlying assets are assets that are agreed to be traded at a certain time in the contract;
2. The exercise price is stipulated in the option contracts, and the buyer has the right to buy or sell the specific price of the underlying assets at the time agreed in the contract;
3. The expiration date is the latest effective date stipulated in the contract;
4. Option fee is the money paid by the option buyer to the seller in order to obtain the right, which is the price of the option.
Transaction types of stock index options
Stock index options include call options and put options. Call option means that the option buyer has the right to buy the underlying asset at a future price, and put option means that the option buyer has the right to sell the underlying asset at a future price.
The main factors affecting the price of stock index options include the underlying index price, exercise price, volatility, risk-free interest rate, remaining maturity and dividend.