Programmed trading has been running in the domestic futures market for several years, but many domestic investors don't quite understand its advantages. In the face of the continuous development of this trading trend, I summed up the advantages of programmed trading, which are roughly as follows:
1. Advantages of objectivity in trading: The influence of greed, fear and emotion of investors in the decision-making process on the trading results can be ruled out.
2. Speed advantage: the market fluctuates quickly, and it can place orders in the first time and seize every profit opportunity.
3. Computing power advantage: The development of science and technology is constantly changing our lives, and the super computing power of computers can be realized more conveniently through portfolio strategy.
4. Advantages of diversifying investment risks: The decision of investors is a probabilistic event, while programmed trading can focus on multiple investment varieties at the same time, diversify investment funds and reduce risks.
5. Continue to pay attention to the advantages of it can continuously and quickly find investment opportunities in the market and reduce labor costs.