The full name of BoCom New Energy Fund is BoCom Schroeder New Energy Index Graded Securities Investment Fund, which was launched on March 26, 2015.
BoCom National Securities New Energy Index Grading Fund Investment Scope:
BoCom National Securities New Energy Index Grading Fund invests in financial instruments with good liquidity, with National Securities New Energy The constituent stocks of the index and its alternative constituent stocks (including small and medium-sized board, GEM and other listed stocks approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission) are the main investment objects. In order to better achieve the investment objectives, the Fund may also invest a small amount in other stocks (non-standard index constituent stocks and their alternative constituent stocks), bonds, medium-term notes, money market instruments, bond repurchases, warrants, asset-backed securities, Stock index futures and other financial instruments permitted by laws, regulations or the China Securities Regulatory Commission for fund investment (but must comply with relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission). ?
If laws, regulations or regulatory agencies allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager can include them in the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures.