vol 1:=ma(vol,5);
UB:=cross(close,ma 1);
DB:=cross(close,ma 1);
UVB:=cross(close, ma 1) and cross(vol, vol1);
DVB:=cross(ma 1, close) and cross(vol, vol1);
Drawtext(ub, ma 1,' moving average'), colorred
Drawtext(db, ma 1,' below moving average'), colorgreen
Drawtext(uvb, ma 1,' heavy volume crossing the moving average'), colorwhite
Drawtext(dvb, ma 1,' overloaded moving average'), coloryellow.
Master Bo Yi, who doesn't provide the function of sound, can't give sound warning only from the formula.
This function is available in Mandarin.
In fact, more professional programming software can easily realize the functions you want, such as TB, MC, pyramid and so on.