However, it is not easy to find a suitable and satisfactory part-time job, especially for wage earners, to do a casual part-time job with low cost and low threshold. Looking at new projects, self-media platform is one of the best new projects, and certain number and certain number are also popular service platforms and several network platforms from the media.
Many people want to be self-media, but in most cases, the awareness of how to make money from the media platform is still vague. In fact, for a novice from the media platform, if you master the method of making money, then _ you can find that it is really effective and it is easier to write articles to make money.
So _ how does this media make money?
Today, I also introduced several ways to make money from the media. It is necessary to follow the example of learning and training:
Write articles to earn money
For example, after applying for registration from the media, we can actually make money by publishing articles ourselves;
For example, when others visit the content of your article, you can still get relative benefits, but this method usually has certain limitations.
For example, if you don't have the original service platform, it's not easy to make all the profits. In addition, if the content of your article doesn't get too many visitors, the profit you get is very limited. Generally speaking, it is based on the amount of reading. Generally, the profit of 10,000 reading is in the middle of 10-30 yuan.
Advertising profit
When some people choose to apply for registration from the media platform, they can also choose a way to release TV. In this case, if they have a lot of reading, they can make money. Actually, releasing TV is really simple. We can shoot our own videos, or we can choose to broadcast others' TV live.
You can find that if the broadcast volume reaches a certain total, you will still get a certain price, but how much money you can earn has something to do with your originality.
Maybe many people who just started from the media will feel more curious. What is the profit of e-commerce?
In fact, it is to immediately put other people's product links in everyone's article content or video. In this whole process, if customers buy goods according to the link, everyone can get a certain commission rebate, which is actually the profit of e-commerce
Naturally, for people from the media platform, this kind of profit is also very good, but you must pay attention to what you write, and you don't have to put all the articles in advertisements. In this case, it is not easy to be recognized by the service platform at all, and it may even be blocked.
Contact with advertisers
In fact, most companies or manufacturers now choose to advertise if they want to really expand their profits. Naturally, they are unlikely to randomly choose a self-media account when placing advertisements. They will undoubtedly check to see if you have a large number of fans. If it is really a lot and the daily traffic is high, in this case, you will be asked to help them advertise, and then you can negotiate the price with each other immediately. It can be said that this method is simpler and more direct, and can make you a lot of money.
Besides these methods, there are many ways to make money from the media. The key is whether you can get on well with him and make money according to his words.
Well, that's what I shared with you today. If you need to learn a lot about entrepreneurship, choose a second career, explore a new path, and pay attention to me!