Cassava starch is a powder made from cassava by extracting starch, dewatering and drying. Cassava starch consists of raw starch and various modified starches, which are widely used in food industry and non-food industry. Modified starch can be customized according to the specific requirements put forward by users to adapt to special purposes.
No odor: Cassava starch has no odor, and is suitable for products such as food and cosmetics that need to refine its odor.
Plain taste: Cassava starch has no taste and aftertaste (such as corn), and is more suitable for products that need delicate taste, such as pudding, cake and cake stuffing. Compared with ordinary starch.
Clear paste: the paste formed after tapioca starch is cooked, which is clear and transparent and suitable for coloring. This characteristic is also very important for tapioca starch to be used for sizing high-grade paper.