The trading hours of crude oil in ICBC account are mainly divided into the following periods:
1. Trading on schedule, with each period lasting about 35 days. Investors can only trade within 35 days. After 35 days, they must trade the next issue. The expired account crude oil will terminate trading, and investors with positions will be forced to close their positions by banks. How long can the crude oil in the account be kept? The longest is only 35 days.
A year is divided into 12 periods. For example, 152 this year has ended, so after 215, you can only trade, crude oil 154, crude oil 155, crude oil 156, crude oil 157, crude oil 158, crude oil 159, crude oil 151, crude oil 1511 and crude oil 1512. From 216, you can trade crude oil 154, crude oil 155, crude oil 158, crude oil 159, crude oil 1
2. There are two ways to trade crude oil in account: real-time trading and pending order trading (up to 12 hours). Here, we would like to remind investors that there is a time limit for the pending order trading of crude oil in account, and the maximum is only 12 hours.
3. There are still differences in the daily trading schedule of account crude oil, and the specific differences are as follows:
The trading time of account crude oil electronic banking channel is:
The trading time of account crude oil on Monday is 9: -24: ; The international market opens at 6 o'clock, and the crude oil in the account can only be traded from 9 o'clock.
account crude oil from Tuesday to Friday: : -3: , 9: -24: ; That is, you can't trade from 3 am to 9 am every day. The daily trading time of crude oil in the account is from 9 am to 3 am the next day.
trading time of crude oil in account on Saturday: : -3: . Account crude oil can only be traded until 3 o'clock on Saturday, and the international market closes around 4 o'clock.