Stocks are traded at full price, that is, how much money you have to spend to buy this stock, but futures are different. Take stock index futures as an example. If the current stock index futures price is 3000 points. According to 300 yuan's point, the futures leverage is calculated at 10% (the actual leverage is not 10%, here is just an example), so the money needed to buy the first-class stock index futures is:
3000*300* 10%=90000 yuan, less than 90000 yuan 10 times. This is the role of leverage, which allows you to trade with110.
Under the action of leverage, risks and benefits have also multiplied. For example, if a stock is bought at 10 yuan and falls to 9 yuan, it will lose 10%, so the loss is 1 yuan. But in the futures market, as for stock index futures, if it falls by 10%, then your principal (90,000) will be gone.