April 13
8: 30 am-11:00 am (a)
14:00- 16:30(B)
8: 30 am-11:00 am (c)
14:00- 16:30(D)
1020 1050060 finance 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00074 introduction to the central bank.
270 15 entrepreneurship education
international trade
102010927015 entrepreneurship education 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00089 international trade.
00058 marketing
Securities investment and management
10201110060 Finance 0002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
270 15 entrepreneurship education 00 106 futures market principle and practice
industrial and commercial administration
1020112 27015 entrepreneurship education 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 0011trademark and advertising management 00 107 modern management.
00 108 introduction to industrial and commercial administration
Catering Management
10201180002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
enterprise management
1020 176 (formerly business administration 1020 1) 27096 Risk management 0002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27093 Management.
00058 marketing
1020203 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00 155 intermediate financial accounting
manpower management/scheduling
1020205 270 15 entrepreneurship education 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
00 166 enterprise labor wage management
marketing management
1020207 270 15 entrepreneurship education 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
00058 marketing
tourism management
1020209 270 15 entrepreneurship education 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00 19 1 travel agency operation and management
00 188 tourism psychology
10202 15 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Procurement and supply management
1020265 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Prison management (entrusted)
1030 1030002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
10301110002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
1030112 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Social work and management
1030202 00266 Social Psychology (1) 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00273 Social Work Practice
00272 Introduction to Social Work
administration management
103030127015 entrepreneurship education 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00 107 modern management.
Public safety management (entrusted)
1030403 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
China Language and Literature
1050114 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
10502070002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
10502080002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Business English
1050226 {English original (business English direction) 1050299} 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
public relations
1050303 270 15 entrepreneurship education 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 0032 1 introduction to China culture 00 107 modern management.
00058 Marketing 00633 Introduction to Journalism
1050308 270 15 entrepreneurship education 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00653 Chinese journalism history 00633 introduction to journalism.
270 19 corporate image design
Art design
1050436 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
archives administration
106020 1 00345 introduction to secretarial science 002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 00782 electronic document management 0078 1 archives and document retrieval.
270 15 entrepreneurship education 00780 file document copying technology
Mechanical manufacturing and automation specialty
108030 1 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 02 19 1 machinery manufacturing technology
Electromechanical integration project (entrusted)
1080306 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Computer and its application
108070 1 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Housing construction engineering
108080 1 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Chemical technology
10812012173 inorganic chemistry (2) 00002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27055 chemical equipment and machinery foundation 27057 chemical technology.
02066 Organic Chemistry (2)
culinary skill
108 1305 02527 fundamentals of culinary chemistry 0002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27065 culinary arts and crafts (original culinary aesthetics)
02528 cooking nutrition
Transportation (direction of railway transportation) (entrusted)
108170100002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
Rolling Stock (Entrusted)
108 17060002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
Computer information management (entrustment)
1082207 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
110070100002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory
02 1 13 medical psychology
A cursive script
1 100803 02976 Ancient Chinese Medicine (1) 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 02930 Basis of Chinese Medicine (1)
03047 Analytical Chemistry (2)
preschool education
104010129761Design of Kindergarten Curriculum and Educational Activities 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory.
primary education
104010300412 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory, head teacher of primary school.
Mental health education
1040 109 28660 personality psychology 002 introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 28793 learning psychology and counseling 056 19 psychological counseling and counseling (1)
056 18 adolescent mental health
enterprise management
5020258 (original management direction of management enterprise 5090695) 270 15 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27884 Human resource management 27702 Legal basis
27877 marketing
5020297 (former management finance and accounting direction 5090 195) 270 15 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27876 Financial accounting 27702 Legal basis.
5050 102 00345 Introduction to Secretarial Science 0002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27702 Legal Basis
270 15 entrepreneurship education 27879 agricultural policies and regulations
5080335 (formerly electromechanical 508 1403) 270 15 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27702 Legal basis.
Automatic detection technology of 27877 marketing 27984
5090 1 14 (original direction of planting garden 5090 104) 270 15 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27702 Legal basis.
27877 marketing 27830 garden plant pest control
Animal husbandry and veterinary
50904 13 (original breeding animal husbandry and veterinary direction 5090495) 270 15 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27853 Animal husbandry science 27702 Legal basis.
27842 Microbial Basis 27854 Infectious Diseases and Parasitology of Livestock
509050 1 270 15 Entrepreneurship Education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27865 Farm Management 27702 Legal Basis
27842 microbial basis
management of agricultural economy
509060 1 270 15 Entrepreneurship Education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 27876 Financial Accounting 27702 Legal Basis
27877 marketing 27879 agricultural policies and regulations
5090630 (original planting agronomy direction 5090101) 27015 Entrepreneurship education 00002 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 29660 General Theory of Horticulture 27702 Legal basis.
27877 Marketing 278 10 Agricultural Extension
Economics (entrustment)
202011500321Cultural Introduction of China
2020 1 17 27050 internal audit 06072 enterprise financial audit
financial management
2020 120 27088 International Investment 27089 Corporate Finance 0032 1 An Introduction to China Culture 00 107 Modern Management.
27087 financial enterprise accounting
Investigation and Analysis (Entrusted)
2020 12 1 00058 Marketing
enterprise management
2020 142 27094 Management Science 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
International economy and trade
2020 173 (formerly International Economy and Trade 202010) 27040 E-commerce 27 184 International Economic Cooperation 0032 1 An Introduction to China Culture 27 185 WTO and International Economic and Trade Practice.
20202040058 Marketing 0032 1 China Culture Introduction
marketing management
2020208 27040 E-commerce 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
tourism management
20202 10 27 129 overview of international tourism and source countries 27 128 tourism aesthetics 27 13 1 tourism culture
20202 16 00995 Commercial Law (II) 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
enterprise management
2020226 00940 Strategic Management Course 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 00947 International Business Management.
logistics management
2020229 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Labor and social security
2020232 03323 Labor Economics
Engineering Management
2020279 06087 Project Management 06962 Determination and Control of Project Cost 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
2030 106 05680 Marriage and Family Law
Social work and management
2030203 00282 Case Social Work 00283 Social Management 00284 Mental Health and Psychological Counseling 00275 Social Problems
03348 Market Survey 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
administration management
2030302 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
secretarial science
2050 104 27 190 Modern Enterprise System 27 189 On 0032 1 An Introduction to China Culture 27 19 1 Secretary Culture.
China Language and Literature
2050 105 2709 1 Gorky Studies 0032 1 China Culture Introduction 0082 1 Modern Chinese Grammar Research.
008 14 Selected Reading of China's Ancient Literary Theory
Advertising film
20503027412 Market Research and Statistics 0064 1 Chinese and Foreign Advertising History 0032 1 China Cultural Introduction 274 13 Advertising Planning and Creativity.
274 18 advertising media practice
2050305 00658 News Review Writing 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
public relations
2050309 03348 Market Research 02625 Modern Enterprise Management (I) 03294 Public Relations Case
Animation design
2050438 035 14 Space Design 07887 Graphic Design 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Mechanical manufacturing and automation specialty
2080302 02204 Economic Management 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Electromechanical integration project (entrusted)
2080307 27054 Engineering Mathematics 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Computer and its application
2080702 02324 Discrete Mathematics 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Electronic engineering
2080705 02358 Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer 27484 Communication Principle and System 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Computer communication engineering
2080708 27054 Engineering Mathematics 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Computer Network (Entrusting)
2080709 02358 Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Computer science education
2080745 (formerly Computer Science Education 2080799) 27075 Computer Aided Teaching 27069 Installation, Debugging and Maintenance of Microcomputer 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 27073 Computer Graphics and CAD.
architectural engineering
2080806 02439 Structural Mechanics (II) 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
02404 Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics
environmental engineering
208 1 102 28528 Environmental Planning and Management 27457 Environmental Law 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 28540 Environmental Quality Assessment
chemical engineering
208 1203 27054 Engineering Mathematics 02485 Chemical Thermodynamics 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 27063 Introduction to Factory Design
Nutrition, food and health
20813110308 introduction to clinical medicine * 05767 food processing and preservation 0032 1 introduction to China culture.
Industrial engineering (commissioned)
2082205 00058 Marketing 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Computer information management (entrustment)
2082208 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Information management and information system
20822 13 02 124 information analysis method 06385 development of network information resources 0032 1 introduction to China culture 06628 webpage making and website construction.
20822 18 03335 Public Management 03342 E-government Case Analysis 03340 Website Construction and Management 03344 Information and Network Security Management
Animal husbandry and veterinary
2090403 02793 Biostatistics Experimental Design 00058 Marketing 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 02796 Economic Management of Animal Husbandry
02787 veterinary pharmacology
Modern agricultural management
20906 15 06 187 Introduction to Agriculture 06 173 Management of Special Economic Animals.
2 100702 0032 1 introduction of China culture
A cursive script
2 100804 03034 Pharmaceutical Management 03047 Analytical Chemistry (II) * 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 07793 Pharmaceutical Marketing
0508 1 TCM philology
2 100805 00308 Introduction to Clinical Medicine * 05524 Medicinal Plants and Pharmacognosy 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 07793 Pharmaceutical Marketing
0 1763 pharmaceutical administration (2) 029 1 1 inorganic chemistry (3)
Health service management
2 100902 03059 Hospital Management 03060 Health Service Management (2) 0306 1 Advanced Health Economics
preschool education
2040 102 2804 1 Introduction to Modern Science and Technology 28042 Intensive Reading of Chinese and Foreign Literature 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 2805 1 Preschool Education in the Contemporary World.
education administration
2040 1070447 Educational Administration 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture
Mental health education
2040 1 100266 Social Psychology (I) 0562 1 Biological Basis of Psychology 05626 Abnormal Psychology (I) 29657 Public Relations Psychology
primary education
2040112 28041Introduction to Modern Science and Technology 28042 Intensive Reading of Chinese and Foreign Literature 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 28064 Introduction to Literature and Art.
ideological and political education
20402029774 Special Topics on Philosophical Principles 29775 Introduction to Cultural Studies 28080 Theory of Socialist Market Economy
2040302 00503 Sports Pedagogy 00500 Sports Scientific Research Theory and Method 00496 Sports Measurement and Evaluation 00497 Sports Training
Language and Literature Education in China
2050 1 13 29782 Research on Chinese Teaching 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 0082 1 Research on Modern Chinese Grammar.
English education
2050206 29785 Cross-cultural communication 29786 English teaching theory and methods
History education
2060 102 00774 Historical Theory and Method 00775 Historical Pedagogy 29858 Jiangsu Cultural History
Mathematics education
2070 102 29789 Ordinary differential equation 02009 Abstract algebra 0032 1 An Introduction to China Culture 0201Theory of Complex Variables.
020 10 probability theory and mathematical statistics (1)
Physics education
2070202 02034 Electrodynamics 02036 Quantum Mechanics 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 02033 Mathematical Methods
chemical education
2070302 29792 Physical Chemistry 02053 Structural Chemistry 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 02054 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry
02059 chemistry pedagogy
Biology education
2070402 02079 Introduction to Ecology 02085 Cell Biology 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 02078 Biostatistics
Geography education
2070702 02099 Introduction to Economic Geography 02 104 Modern Physical Geography 0032 1 Introduction to China Culture 02 100 Introduction to Geographical Science.
02 105 geography pedagogy