Exchange rate inquiry channel:
1. Attach the foreign exchange market trend to the futures foreign exchange quotation software;
2. Major financial websites also have foreign exchange quotations;
3. You can also check the exchange rate through the foreign exchange inquiry tool that comes with your mobile phone;
4. Most mobile phone futures market software also has the exchange rate of major currencies;
The exchange rate is constantly changing according to the supply and demand of money, and the exchange rate is different at different times. Please refer to the exchange rate of the day you need when using it. The exchange of bank counters and online banking is subject to the real-time quotation at that time. Subject to the transaction price over the counter of the bank, the exchange rate refers to the official website of Bank of China.
Definition of exchange rate:
Exchange rate (also known as foreign exchange rate, foreign exchange rate or foreign exchange market) The exchange rate between two currencies can also be regarded as the value of one country's currency against another.
Exchange rate is also a financial means for a country to achieve its political goals. The exchange rate will change because of interest rates, inflation, national politics and national economies. The exchange rate is determined by the foreign exchange market.
The foreign exchange market is open to different types of buyers and sellers to conduct extensive and continuous currency transactions (foreign exchange transactions are conducted 24 hours a day except weekends, that is, from 8: 15 GMT on Sunday to 22:00 GMT on Friday). Spot exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate, and forward exchange rate refers to the exchange rate quoted and traded on the same day, but paid on a specific date in the future).
The fluctuation of a country's foreign exchange market will have an impact on import and export trade, economic structure and production layout.
Exchange rate is the most important adjusting lever in international trade. A falling exchange rate can promote exports and curb imports.
For example, if the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar is 0. 1502 (indirect pricing method), the price of a commodity in the United States is 15.02 US dollars.
If the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar drops to 0. 1429, that is, if the US dollar appreciates and the RMB depreciates, you can buy this commodity with less dollars. The price of this commodity in the United States is 14.29. Therefore, the price of this commodity in the American market will become lower. Commodity prices decrease, competitiveness becomes higher, and it is cheap and easy to sell.
On the other hand, if the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar rises to 0. 1667, that is, the dollar depreciates and the RMB appreciates, then the price of this commodity in the US market is 16.67, and the dollar price of this commodity becomes more expensive, so you will buy less.