Hong Kong investors are all doing spot gold, and the funds for opening accounts are based on different platforms. Some can start at 0. 1, and some can start half-handed, depending on the platform. If gold is now $990 per ounce, assuming that the commission for the first hand is 100, then the first hand is 100, 0. 1 hand is 10, and 0.5 hand is $50. Since it is a platform in Hong Kong, it is normal to settle accounts in US dollars and Hong Kong dollars, but it is suspicious to settle accounts in RMB.
In fact, the spot can be extracted, as long as the gold merchants in London approve it, but the transportation and insurance fees in the middle should be borne by themselves.
Spot gold bought up and down. 24-hour real-time trading, no time limit, this well-known Hong Kong platform is the same, no difference!