When the market in the low-priced circle (the area where the medium-term moving average falls and flattens) fluctuates within a narrow range of land volume and price, the mobile chips can help us to measure the trading volume of 4fyb6~j in the low-priced circle.
Trading center and volume accumulation. When the price breaks through the low price circle for the first time, the mobile chip is true when it reflects the upward movement of the price and the decline of the subsequent market. At this time, 0X7z'F4rHS
Mobile chips can help find the explosion point of the market.
When the market breaks through the main uptrend again, the price can't keep up because of the drastic change of chips and the limitation of historical attenuation coefficient of mobile chips.
The moving speed leads to the wrong deposition of the chip. By analogy, in the head of the main force, the market is mostly completed by volume shocks, and when the price breaks through the distribution range, the mobile chips can't keep up with the downward speed of the price, leading to the false upward movement of the chips. IkFuGi/Icv $
After understanding the essence of mobile chips, we can use them dialectically: that is, use them to establish the breakthrough point of the main rising wave in the low-priced circle. Then I gave up, [Y? no
MACD or trendline can be used to track vertical markets.
Four-dimensional actual combat analysis of stock market [URL =] [/URL]
The author worships Yulong.
Economic science press
Date of publication: May 2002
nput:N(5,3, 144),N 1(0,0,55),N2( 1,0,20);
A:= off; Al:= low; Ah: = high; A 1:= off; A2:= off; A3:= off; A4:= Off; A5:= off; A6:= off; A7:= off; A8:= off; A9:= off; A 10:= off; A 1 1:= off; A 12:= off;
A 13:= off; A 14:= off; A 15:= off; A 16:= off; A 17:= off; A 18:= off; A 19:= off; A20:= off; av:= VOL;
& lt%
bv=ffl.vardata("av ")
bl=ffl.vardata("al ")
bh=ffl.vardata("ah ")
z=ffl.vardata("n ")
z 1=ffl.vardata("n 1 ")
b=ffl.vardata("a ")
b 1=ffl.vardata("a 1 ")
b2=ffl.vardata("a2 ")
b3=ffl.vardata("a3 ")
b4=ffl.vardata("a4 ")
b5=ffl.vardata("a5 ")
b6=ffl.vardata("a6 ")
b7=ffl.vardata("a7 ")
b8=ffl.vardata("a8 ")
b9=ffl.vardata("a9 ")
b 10 = ffl . vardata(" a 10 ")
b 1 1 = ffl . vardata(" a 1 1 ")
b 12 = ffl . vardata(" a 12 ")
b 13 = ffl . vardata(" a 13 ")
b 14 = ffl . vardata(" a 14 ")
b 15 = ffl . vardata(" a 15 ")
b 16 = ffl . vardata(" a 16 ")
b 17 = ffl . vardata(" a 17 ")
b 18 = ffl . vardata(" a 18 ")
b 19 = ffl . vardata(" a 19 ")
b20=ffl.vardata("a20 ")
dim d(2000,20),d 1( 15, 1)
For i=0 to 2000
For j=0 to 5
For i= 1 to 2000
if u-(I- 1)*(z+ 1)-z 1 & lt; 0, then y=i- 1: If finished, exit.
d(i,0)= u-(I- 1)*(z+ 1)-z 1
b 16(d(i,0))= 1
For i= 1 to y
cl= 10000
For j = d (i,0) to d (i,0)+z
If j>u then exits the end if
If ch & ltbh(j) then ch=bh(j) end if.
If cl & gtbl(j), then cl=bl(j) end if.
d 1(0,0)=(ch-cl)/ 15
d(i, 18)=cl
d(i, 19)=ch
d(i,20)=(ch-cl)/ 15
b 17(d(i,0))=cl
b 18(d(i,0))=ch
For j= 1 to 15.
d 1(j,0)=cl+(j-0.5)*d 1(0,0)
d 1(j, 1)=0
For j = d (i,0) to d (i,0)+z
If j>u then exits the end if
For k= 1 to 15.
If BH (j) > D 1(k, 0)-d 1(0, 0)/2 and BH (j) < =d 1(k, 0)+d 1(0, 0)/2 Then d 1(k, 1)=bv(j)/6: end if.
If bl(j)>d 1(k, 0)-d 1(0, 0)/2 and bl (j) < =d 1(k, 0)+d 1(0, 0)/2 Then d 1(k, 1)=bv(j)/6: end if.
if(bl(j)+BH(j))/2 & gt; D 1(k, 0)-d 1(0, 0)/2 and (bl (j)+BH (j)) < =d 1(k, 0)+d 1(0, 0)/2 Then d 1(k, 1)=bv(j)*2/3: end if.
v0=0. 1
For j= 1 to 15.
If v0<d 1(j, 1), then v0=d 1(j, 1) end if.
For j= 1 to 15.
If I & gt=2, then d 1(j, 1)=round(d 1(j,1)/v0 * z/1) end if.
If i= 1, then d 1(j, 1)=round(d 1(j, 1)/v0*(u-d(i, 0)) end if.
For j=t to t+d 1( 1, 1)
b 1(j)=d 1( 1,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(2, 1)
b2(j)=d 1(2,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(3, 1)
b3(j)=d 1(3,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(4, 1)
b4(j)=d 1(4,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(5, 1)
b5(j)=d 1(5,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(6, 1)
b6(j)=d 1(6,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(7, 1)
b7(j)=d 1(7,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(8, 1)
b8(j)=d 1(8,0)
For j=t to t+d 1(9, 1)
b9(j)=d 1(9,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 10, 1)
b 10(j)=d 1( 10,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 1 1, 1)
b 1 1(j)= d 1( 1 1,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 12, 1)
b 12(j)=d 1( 12,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 13, 1)
b 13(j)=d 1( 13,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 14, 1)
b 14(j)=d 1( 14,0)
For j=t to t+d 1( 15, 1)
b 15(j)=d 1( 15,0)
Continue to the next step when an error occurs.
ffl . vardata(" a 1 ")= b 1
ffl . vardata(" a 10 ")= b 10
ffl . vardata(" a 1 1 ")= b 1 1
ffl . vardata(" a 12 ")= b 12
ffl . vardata(" a 13 ")= b 13
ffl . vardata(" a 14 ")= b 14
ffl . vardata(" a 15 ")= b 15
ffl . vardata(" a 16 ")= b 16
ffl . vardata(" a 17 ")= b 17
ffl . vardata(" a 18 ")= b 18
ffl . vardata(" a 19 ")= b 19
% & gt
m:= N2/3000;
Adhesion line (a1>; 0,a 1*( 1-m),a 1*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORyellow
Adhesion line (a2>0, a2*( 1-m), a2*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion line (a3>0, a3*( 1-m), a3*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion line (a4>0, a4*( 1-m), a4*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion line (a5>0, a5*( 1-m), a5*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion lines (a6>0, a6*( 1-m), a6*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion line (a7>0, a7*( 1-m), a7*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion lines (a8>0, a8*( 1-m), a8*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORyellow.
Adhesion lines (a9>0, a9*( 1-m), a9*( 1+m), 8, 1), COLORGRAY.
Adhesion line (a10 >; 0,a 10*( 1-m),a 10*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORGRAY
Adhesion line (a11>; 0,a 1 1*( 1-m),a 1 1*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORGRAY
Adhesion line (a12 >; 0,a 12*( 1-m),a 12*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORGRAY
Adhesion line (a13 >; 0,a 13*( 1-m),a 13*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORGRAY
Adhesion line (a14 >; 0,a 14*( 1-m),a 14*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORGRAY
Adhesion line (a15 >; 0,a 15*( 1-m),a 15*( 1+m),8, 1),COLORyellow
Adhesion line (a16 >; 0,a 17,a 18, 1, 1),COLORblue
DRAWICON(a 16= 1,CLOSE, 13);
Glue line (close & lt open or close = open and close & lt=REF(CLOSE, 1), LOW, HIGH, 0. 1, 0), colorcyan.
Glue line (CLOSE & lt OPEN or close = open and close & lt=REF(CLOSE, 1), open, close, 7,0), colorcyan.
Glue line (close & gt open or close = open and close & gtREF(CLOSE, 1), low, high, 0. 1, 0), colorred.
Glue line (CLOSE & gt OPEN or close = open and close & gtREF(CLOSE, 1), open, close, 7,0), colorred.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 8,0), colorFF7700.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 7,0), colorFF8800.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 6,0), colorFF9900.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 5,0), colorFFAA00.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 4,0), colorFFBB00.
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 3,0), colorFFCC00.
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 2,0), colorFFDD00.
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 1, 0), colorFFEE00.
Adhesive line (off > on, off, on, 8, 0), COLOR5050FF.
Adhesive line (off> on, off, on, 7, 0), COLOR5050FF.
Adhesive line (off > on, off, on, 6,0), COLOR5F5FFF
Adhesion line (off > on, off, on, 5, 0), color6c6ccf;
Adhesion line (off > on, off, on, 4, 0), color7e7eff;
Adhesive line (off > on, off, on, 3,0), COLOR9D9DFF
Adhesion line (off > on, off, on, 2, 0), COLORAFAFFF
Adhesion line (off > on, off, on, 1, 0), COLORAFAFFF