original text
When Luz asked about politics, Confucius said, "First of all, work hard." Please benefit and say, "Never get tired."
Zhong Gong is the butcher of Ji family. When asked about politics, Confucius said, "Let's divide the differences first, forgive small mistakes and promote talents." He said, "How do you know a talented person and how to do it?" He said, "As you know. What you don't know, who gives up? "
Lutz said, "Wei Jun takes the son as the government, and the son must learn it first?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!" Lutz said, "Yes, I am, and I am pedantic! Qi Zheng Qi? " Confucius said, "Wild is wild! If a gentleman doesn't know, he can't be punished. Incorrect names and words are not fluent; Words are not smooth, things are not smooth; If you can't do it, you will be happy; If the ceremony and music are not prosperous, the punishment will be lost; If the punishment is not correct, the people have no wrong hands and no feet. Therefore, the name of a gentleman must be spoken, and words must be feasible. The words of a gentleman are nothing but nothing. "
Fan Chi invited him to learn about crops, and Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old farmer." Please learn to be a nursery and say, "I am not as good as the old nursery." When Fan Chi came out, Confucius said, "I am a villain in Xu Fan! If you give a good gift, the people will not dare to be disrespectful; If you are just, then the people dare not refuse; If you keep the letter, people will not dare to be heartless. If the husband is like this, then people in all directions are tired of their children. How can they use crops? "
Confucius said: "Recite 300 Poems and teach them to be political, not to achieve;" Make it everywhere, not just right; Although a lot, what do you think? "
Confucius said, "It's just and not ordered; His body is not right, although he does not obey. "
Confucius said, "Lu Wei's government is also a brother."
Son called wei childe jing, "good bedroom. At first, he said, "Make love." He said little. It's over. When you are rich, you say,' If you are beautiful.' "
Zi Wei Shi, Ran had a servant. Zi said, "What a fool!" " You Ran said, "What's the point?" Say, "Rich." He said, "If you have money, why bother?" Say, "teach it."
Confucius said, "If you are useful to me, it only takes one month and three years to succeed."
Confucius said, "A good man who has served his country for a hundred years can also win battles and kill the disabled." Sincerity is words! "
Confucius said, "If you have a monarch, you will die."
Confucius said, "If you are honest, what does it matter if you go into politics? Can't be right, like a right person? "
Ran Zi retired from the DPRK, and Confucius said, "Make peace?" Right: "There is politics." Confucius said, "Yes. If there is a government, although it is not mine, I will listen. "
Ding Gong asked, "A word can prosper the country. What's the matter?" Confucius said, "You can't do what you say. People say,' it's hard for a monarch, but it's hard for a minister.' If you knew it was difficult to be a monarch, wouldn't you be successful in almost one sentence? "Yue:" What is the reason for losing your country in a word? Confucius said to him, "Don't do what you say. People say,' If you are unhappy, you are king. Just what you said, not against it. If it's good and there is no objection, wouldn't it be great? If you don't do well, you won't violate it. Didn't you almost lose your country in one sentence? "
When Lord Ye asked about politics, Confucius said, "Those who are near say that those who are far away will come."
Xia Zi was slaughtered by Ju's father and asked about politics. Confucius said, "Haste makes waste. Haste makes waste, but seeing small profits can't be a big deal. "
Ye Gong Yu said to Confucius: "Our party is straight, its father is busy with sheep, and his son proves it." Confucius said, "The straightness of our Party is different. The father is the son, and the son is the father, straight in it. "
When asked about Ren, Confucius said, "Respect for life, respect for deacons and loyalty to others. Although it is destroyed, it cannot be abandoned. "
Zi Gong asked, "Who is this?" Confucius said, "Those who are ashamed of their actions and make the four sides live up to their lives are also scholars." Yue: "Dare to ask second." Yue: "Clans are called filial piety, while township parties are called brothers." Yue: "Dare to ask second." He said, "You must keep your promise, and your actions will bear fruit. You are a despicable person! Suppression can also be a second time. " He said, "What about politicians today?" Confucius said, "Hey! There are not enough people fighting! "
Confucius said, "If you don't join the Bank of China, you will be crazy! Crazy people are enterprising, and arrogant people are inaction. "
Confucius said, "There is a saying in the south:' A man without perseverance should not be a witch doctor.' Fu Shan! ""Don't be ashamed of your unchanging virtue. "Confucius said," Don't take it. "
Confucius said, "Gentlemen are harmonious but different, while villains are not harmonious."
Zi Gong asked, "The country people are all good, so what?" Confucius said, "There is nothing I can do." "The villagers are all evil, so what?" Confucius said, "There is nothing I can do. Not as good as the villagers, and the bad is evil. "
Confucius said: "A gentleman speaks well, but if he doesn't say it, he will do it, which makes people do it.": It's hard for villains to say it easily. Although Tao didn't say it, it made people want to be prepared. "
Confucius said, "A gentleman is Thai but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not Thai."
Confucius said, "Rigidity, rigidity, wood and dullness are close to benevolence."
Lutz asked, "What kind of person is this?" Confucius said, "If you want to be good at something, you can be said to be a scholar." Friends are eager, brothers are reluctant. "
Confucius said, "Good people can teach the people for seven years and make up immediately."
Confucius said, "If you don't teach the people to fight, you will abandon them."
Lutz asked how to manage political affairs. Confucius said, "Walk in front of the common people and make them industrious." Lutz asked to speak more. Confucius said, "Don't slack off."
Zhong Gong became a retainer of Ji family and asked how to manage political affairs. Confucius said: "First, discipline officials in charge of specific affairs, let them perform their duties, forgive their minor mistakes, and select talents for posts." Zhong Gong asked again, "How do you know you are a talented person and choose them?" Confucius said, "Choose those who know, but as for those who don't know, will others bury them?"
Lutz said to Confucius, "Wang Wei wants you to govern the country. What are you going to do first? " Confucius said, "First of all, we should correct our name." Lutz said, "Has anyone ever done this? What you think is out of place. How is this name correct? " Confucius said, "Zhong You is really rude. A gentleman is always skeptical about what he doesn't know. If the birthright is not right, it will be unreasonable to speak, and if it is unreasonable to speak, it will not be done. Nothing can be done, and music can't be promoted. If rites and music cannot flourish, the execution of punishment will not be appropriate. If the punishment is not appropriate, the people will not know what to do. Therefore, a gentleman must be named, must be able to make it clear, and must be able to do it. A gentleman never treats his words and deeds casually. "
Fan Chi asked Confucius how to grow crops. Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old farmer." Fan Chi asked how to grow vegetables. Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old vegetable farmer." After Fan Chi withdrew, Confucius said, "Fan Chi is really a villain. As long as the superiors pay attention to the ceremony, the people will not dare not be awed; As long as the superiors attach importance to the righteousness, the people will not dare to disobey; As long as the people above attach importance to the letter, people will not dare to do anything to you without the truth. If this is done, people all over the world will come with their children on their backs. Where is it necessary to grow your own crops? "
Confucius said: "Learn 300 poems by heart and let him handle government affairs, but he knows nothing;" Let him be a diplomatic envoy and cannot negotiate independently; What's the use of memorizing a lot? "
Confucius said, "Even if you don't give orders, people will do it, but if you don't give orders, people won't obey."
Confucius said, "The politics of Lu and Wei are like the politics of brothers."
Confucius commented on Jing, the son of Weiguo: "He is good at managing the economy and managing money at home. At first, he said, "almost enough." "A little more," he said. "It's almost finished. A little more, he said, "almost perfect." "
When Confucius went to defend the country, You Ran drove for him. Confucius said, "What a large population!" You Ran said, "The population is enough. What else should we do? " Confucius said, "Make it rich." You Ran said, "What will you do when you have money?" Confucius said, "Educate them."
Confucius said, "If someone uses me to govern the country, it will be successful in one year and effective in three years."
Confucius said, "A good man can rule the country for a hundred years, but cruelty can be eliminated and punishment and killing can be abolished. That's right! "
Confucius said, "If you start, you will realize benevolent governance in 30 years."
Confucius said, "If you correct your behavior, what is the difficulty in managing political affairs?" ? If you can't correct your behavior, how can you let others correct it? "
When Ran Qiu came back from North Korea, Confucius said, "Why did you come back so late?" Ran Qiu said, "I have political affairs." Confucius said, "Is it just a common thing? If there are political affairs, although you don't need me, I will know. "
Ding Gong asked, "A word can make the country rich and strong. Is there such a thing? " Confucius replied: "It is impossible to have such a writing, but there are similar words." Some people say,' it's hard for a monarch, but it's hard for a minister.' If you know the difficulty of being king, isn't this close to a sentence that can make the country prosperous? Lu asked again, "One word can ruin the country. Is this happening? "Confucius replied:" It is impossible to have such words, but there are almost such words. "Someone once said,' I have nothing to be happy about being a monarch. I am glad that no one dares to go against what I said. Wouldn't it be great if you were right and no one disobeyed you? If you are wrong and no one disobeys, isn't that close to a sentence that can ruin the country? "
Lord Ye asked Confucius how to manage political affairs. Confucius said, "Make people near happy and make people far away join us."
Ju's father, a manager, asked Confucius how to deal with political affairs. Confucius said, "Don't be eager for quick success and instant benefit, and don't be greedy for small profits. If you can't achieve your goal quickly, you can't make a big deal out of greed. "
Lord Ye said to Confucius, "There is an upright man in my hometown. When his father stole someone else's sheep, he turned him in. " Confucius said: "The upright man in my hometown is different from the upright man you said: the father hides for his son and the son hides for his father." Integrity is one of them. "
Fan Chi asked what is benevolence. Confucius said: "I am at home at ordinary times, doing things seriously and being loyal and sincere to others." Even if you go to the land of the righteous emperor, you can't abandon it. "
Zi Gong asked, "How can I be called a scholar?" Confucius said: "I have a sense of shame in doing things, and I can only be called a scholar if I go abroad to complete the mission entrusted by the monarch." Zigong said, "What about the inferior ones?" Confucius said, "People in the clan praised him for being filial to his parents, while people in the village said that he respected his brother." Zi Gong asked again, "Excuse me, who is waiting?" Confucius said: "When you say you will do it, you must stick to it and stick to your opinion, no matter right or wrong. That's a villain. But it can also be said that it is a first-class taxi. " Zi Gong said, "What do you think of the current rulers?" Confucius said, "Alas! Where can these people with small abilities count? "
Confucius said: "I can't find anyone who pursues the golden mean to associate with him, so I can only associate with crazy and stubborn people." Crazy people dare to do things, stubborn people refuse to do some things. "
Confucius said, "There is a saying in the south:' You can't be a witch doctor without perseverance.' This sentence is really good! ""people can't maintain virtue for a long time, and it is inevitable to suffer humiliation. "Confucius said:" (This sentence means people who have no perseverance) don't need divination. "
Confucius said: "A gentleman is harmonious without seeking, while a villain only seeks complete agreement without coordination."
Zi Gong asked Confucius, "Everyone in the village likes him and praises him. What about this person? " Confucius said, "Not necessarily." Zi Gong asked Confucius again, "The whole town hates him, and everyone hates him. What about this person? " Confucius said, "This is uncertain. The best person is that all the good people in the town like him and all the bad people in the town hate him. "
Confucius said, "It is easier to do things for a gentleman than to have fun for him." . He won't like it if he doesn't take the right path to please him. However, when he uses people, he always uses people according to their ability; It's hard to work for a villain, but it's easy to win his joy. If you don't take the right path to win his favor, you will get his favor. But when he employs people, he is asking for perfection. "
Confucius said, "A gentleman is quiet but not impetuous, while a villain is arrogant but not impetuous."
Confucius said: "Strong, brave, simple and cautious, these four qualities are close to benevolence."
Lutz asked Confucius, "How can I be called a scholar?" Confucius said, "Mutual assistance, supervision, encouragement and harmony can be regarded as scholars. Friends urge and encourage each other, and brothers live in harmony. "
Confucius said, "A good man can teach the people for seven years and send them to fight as soldiers."
Confucius said, "If you don't train the people to fight first, you will abandon them."