From where? sys? Import? Byte order
From where? Array? Import? rank
From where? struct? Import? package
Import? pyaudio
Import? wave
Threshold? =? 500
CHUNK_SIZE? =? 1024
Format? =? pyaudio.paInt 16
Rate? =? 44 100
def? is_silent(snd_data):
"Return? Really? What if? Below? That? Silence? Threshold "
Return? max(snd_data)? & lt? threshold value
def? Normalization (snd_data):
"generally? That? Volume? Get out "
Maximum? =? 16384
Times? =? Floating (max)/max (abs(i)? For what? Me? Are you online? snd_data)
r? =? Array ("h")
For what? Me? Are you online? snd_data:
Return? r
def? trim(snd_data):
"pruning? That? Blank? Spots? Where is it? That? Start? And then what? End "
def? _trim(snd_data):
snd_started? =? wrong
r? =? Array ("h")
For what? Me? Are you online? snd_data:
What if? Isn't it? snd_started? And then what? ABS(I)& gt; Threshold:
snd_started? =? real
R. Add (i)
Elif? snd_started:
R. Add (i)
Return? r
#? Trim? Where to? That? left
snd_data? =? _trim(snd_data)
#? Trim? Where to? That? correct
snd_data? =? _trim(snd_data)
Return? snd_data
def? add_silence(snd_data,? Seconds):
"supplement? Silence? Where to? That? Start? And then what? End? Yes? snd_data '? Yes? Length? Seconds (Floating) "
r? =? Array ('h',? [0? For what? Me? Are you online? Xrange(int (second * rate))]
r.extend([0? For what? Me? Are you online? Xrange(int (second * rate))]
Return? r
def? Record ():
Record? Answer? Words? Or? Words? From where? That? Microphone? And then what?
Return? That? Data? As? Ann? Array? Yes? Signed it? Shorts.
Normalization? That? Audio? trims? Silence? From where? That?
Start? And then what? End,? And then what? Pad? With what? 0.5? Seconds Yes?
Blank? Sound? Where to? Manufacturing? Are you sure? VLC? et? Al. Is it okay? Play?
It? No? Become? Chop? Turn it off.
p? =? pyaudio。 PyAudio()
Stream? =?,? Channel = 1,? Rate = rate,
Input = true,? Output = true,
Frame per buffer = block size)
num_silent? =? 0
snd_started? =? wrong
r? =? Array ("h")
What time? 1:
#? Small? endian,? Signed it? short
snd_data? =? Array ('h',?
What if? byteorder? ==? Big':
Silence? =? is_silent(snd_data)
What if? Silence? And then what? snd_started:
num_silent? +=? 1
Elif? Isn't it? Silence? And then what? Isn't it? snd_started:
snd_started? =? real
What if? snd_started? And then what? num_silent? & gt? 30:
Sample _ width? =? P.get_sample_size (format)
P. terminate ()
r? =? Normalization (r)
r? =? Prune (r)
r? =? add_silence(r,0.5)
Return? Sample width? r
def? Log to file (path):
"Record? From where? That? Microphone? And then what? Output? That? And the result? Data? Where to? Path' "
Sample width? Data? =? Record ()
Data? =? Pack ('<'? +? (' h'*len(data)),? * data)
wf? =? (path,? WB’)
wf.setnchannels( 1)
setsampwwidth(sample _ width)
Wf.setframerate (rate)
Wf.writeframes (data)
What if? __name__? ==? __main__ ':
Print ("Please? Talk? Answer? Words? Become? That? Microphone ")
Record to file ('demo.wav')
Print ("Done? -? The result? Written? Where to? demo.wav ")