The code is as follows: self-test (find a Chinese font less than 9m from the fonts under win);
Using UnityEngine
Use the system. Collection;
Public class test: MonoBehaviour {
//Use it for initialization.
Public GUISkin gskin
Private string inputStr =
Private vector scrollPosition
Private string result = ""; //result
void Start () {
InputStr= "Input Chinese directly";
//Call update once every frame.
void update () {
void OnGUI()
{ = gskin
inputStr=GUI。 TextField(new Rect(200, 154,200,30),inputStr,25);
GUI。 Box(new Rect(200,50,200, 100)," ");
GUILayout。 BeginArea (new rect (200,50,200,100));
scrollPosition = GUILayout。 beginsicollview(scroll position);
String[]list = result. Split ('*');
Foreach (string entry in list)
GUILayout。 beginholizontal();
GUILayout。 Label (entry);
GUILayout。 flexible space();
GUILayout。 end horizontal();
GUILayout。 EndScrollView();
GUILayout。 EndArea();
if(event . current . type = = event type . keydown & amp; & ampEvent.current.character == '
& amp#39; & amp& ampinputStr。 Length & gt0)
result+= input str+" * ";
inputStr =
scroll position . y = 1000000;