1. The dragonfly changed at the right time, and on this day it rose to fruit. Seeking wealth is more auspicious, and seeking officials is undoubtedly more important. 2. When the visa is released, the family will be safe, and the disease will be cured. When the six relatives of boys and pedestrians arrive, the official will be reasonable, the lost property will be found, the marriage will be completed, the official will be completed, the wealth will be achieved, the silkworm will be passed, and the six livestock will be prosperous. Everything will be released: the dragon will change at an appropriate time, and the fruit will rise on this day ... If you are a festive, rich, festive and important official, you can also feel the spiritual sign in L.M., the first sign is to solve the problem, and the first sign is to untie it: the dragon will change in time, hoping for wealth and happiness; This day, the fruit will rise, and there is no doubt that the official position will be promoted. What does this mean? It seems that the change of dragonfly conforms to the opportunity, and requires hope and wealth to be more auspicious and happy. At this time, if you are promoted according to the date, it will be no problem to seek an official position.