1. The basic (minimum) trading unit of futures is (one) contract, commonly known as "hand".
2. The turnover is the number of contracts that have been concluded, which is calculated bilaterally (buying and selling), so it must be even.
3. For example, if Party A buys 10 lot at the price of 1234 yuan and Party B sells 10 lot at the price of 1234 yuan, then they have a deal, and the deal is 20 lots.
4, in the market, the same variety of contracts in different months to calculate their respective turnover, add up to this variety of turnover. There are daily turnover and monthly turnover, which is not difficult to understand.
5. You're right: At this time, Party A and Party B made 5 hands (bilateral 10 hands), and Party A, Party B and Party C made 5 hands. ......