What are the investment methods of gold?
1. Physical gold
Compared with gold derivatives, physical gold includes not only daily gold ornaments, but also gold souvenirs and investment-oriented physical gold. Gold jewelry and souvenirs have higher added value after processing and are more suitable for collection than investment-oriented physical gold. In China, it usually refers to the physical investment gold bars sold by major banks, with various specifications and wide selection.
2. Paper gold
Paper gold is a personal bookkeeping fund, and the owner only holds the title certificate. Common ones are gold deposit certificates, gold bills of lading, gold bills of exchange, and large denomination gold negotiable certificates of deposit. In China, it usually refers to the business that major banks trade with virtual vouchers instead of physical gold, and usually no physical delivery occurs. Compared with physical gold investment, the trading time is more flexible and the trading starting point is lower, but the spread of bank transactions also needs to be considered. 3. Gold futures
Gold futures are futures contracts of spot gold. Domestic refers to the gold futures contracts listed in the previous period, which are traded by margin, and the primary unit is1000g. The calculation of profit and loss plus leverage has high requirements for investors' funds and high threshold, and the trading volume is higher than that of AU contract. At the same time, natural persons are not allowed to participate in physical gold delivery.
4. Spot gold
Spot gold is international gold, and it is a spot transaction, that is, it is delivered within a few days after the transaction is completed. Trading is 24 hours a day. In China, it usually refers to the deferred settlement contract of AU spot gold listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which uses margin trading, and the primary unit is 1 000g. Profit and loss are calculated by leverage, which requires high capital for investors and has a high threshold, so it is necessary to pay deferred compensation fees. Trading is similar to gold futures.
5. Gold Exchange Trading Fund
Gold ETF refers to an open-end fund with most fund assets invested in gold, which closely tracks the price of gold and is listed on the stock exchange. In overseas markets, gold ETF funds are very popular, but domestic investors know little about them.
The above are several ways to invest in gold. It should be noted that although gold can avoid risks, it also has certain risks, and investors should invest cautiously.