Sinopec refueling recharge card can be recycled and cashed. Many people recycle idle Sinopec refueling recharge cards, which is a very good practice. Sinopec refueling recharge cards can be recycled, but if they are anonymous, they are not bound. Only Sinopec fuel cards that meet the recycling requirements can be recycled, and those that do not meet the requirements cannot be recycled.
What is the recycling price of Sinopec fuel card? Which recycling platform is good?
The recycling price of China petrochemical refueling card is 97% off, and the recycling price of China petrochemical refueling card with a face value of 100 or above is 97% off. The best recycling platform is Beijing Recycling, which is a professional fuel card recycling platform and a formal gift card recycling platform. If you want to recycle your Sinopec fuel card, you should choose Beijing for recycling! The service enjoyment brought by Beijing recycling is definitely different, which will make people enjoy it very much. Therefore, if you want to recycle your fuel card, you should choose Beijing recycling.
What is the difference between the coverage of Sinopec gas station and PetroChina gas station?
The coverage of PetroChina and Sinopec gas stations is obviously different. Sinopec gas stations are widely distributed, especially in cities and highways, so many people choose Sinopec fuel card. Petrochina gas stations are mainly distributed in China's coastal oil fields and Yellow River oil fields, with relatively narrow coverage. Even in other places, PetroChina gas stations mostly appear in rural areas and suburbs, so there are not so many people who apply for PetroChina fuel card.