Conversion between Futures Variety Code and Common Units
Shanghai: copper
aluminium (Al)
natural rubber
Fuel oil (fu)
Dalian: Soybean 1 (1)
Soybean meal (meter)
Corn (c)
Yellow soybean 2 (b)
Zhengzhou: durum wheat (weight)
Strong gluten wheat
1 cotton (cf)
Weight conversion table of common futures varieties
1 bushel (soybean, wheat) = 60 lbs.
1 bushel (corn) = 56 lbs.
1 ton = 2204.622 lbs.
1 ton = 36.7437 bushels (soybean, wheat)
1 ton = 39.3679 bushels (corn)
1 kg = 2.2046 lbs.
1 kg = 0.00 1 1 short ton
1 kg = 0.0098 long ton