Use the command: dnfunstall-y https://download. _ 64/pgdg-red hat-reposo-latest.noarch.rpm to get the yum configuration file.
Install the rpm package corresponding to PostgreSQL 13.
Generally speaking, the packages that PostgreSQL needs to install include:
Dependency library package: PostgreSQL13-libs.x86 _ 64
Module &; Distributed: PostgreSQL13-contrib.x86 _ 64
Client: postgresql 13.x86_64
Server: PostgreSQL13-server.x86 _ 64
Create postgres users and groups Add postgres Create postgres groups?
Useradd -g postgres creates postgres users.
Initialize database
After installing postgresql database, the default data directory is: /var/lib/pgsql/ 10/data/. But in practice, we must specify a dedicated data path for postgresql database.
1. Creates the specified path.
mkdir -p /data/pgdata
2. modify the owner of pgdata.
chown postgres /data/pgdata
3. Switch to postgres user.
su - postgres?
4. Initialize the postgres database instance.
/usr/pgsql- 13/bin/init db-D/data/pg data
The installation is completed here.