According to Newton's mechanics theorem, in the absence of external force, the price will still run in the original direction and speed, so the red positive line indicates that the next stage will continue to rise, at least to ensure that the next stage can be inertial. Secondly, the size of the entity: the size of the entity represents the internal motivation. The larger the entity, the more obvious the upward or downward trend, and vice versa. Take Yangxian as an example, it is actually the part that closes higher than the opening.
If there is a large space between red and green, it means that the spot asphalt has a greater upward momentum. Similarly, if the green space is larger than the red space, it shows that the spot asphalt has greater power to fall. Length of the last shadow line: the shadow line represents the turning point signal. The longer the shadow line in one direction, the worse it is for spot asphalt to change in this direction, that is, the longer the upper shadow line, the worse it is for spot asphalt price to rise, and the longer the lower shadow line, the worse it is for spot asphalt to fall.
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