[English] [? neɡ? tiv? Ink? m t? Ks][ America] [? n? ɡ? t? v n? k? m t? ks]
Negative income tax; & lt America > Inverse income tax, minimum income subsidy (subsidy provided by the US federal government to low-income people or families);
example sentence
Any proposal on negative income tax must have at least three elements-minimum income, marginal tax rate and threshold.
Any negative income tax scheme should include at least three aspects: minimum income, marginal tax rate and critical point.
Negative income tax A tax system that provides income subsidies to individuals or families below the poverty line.
Negative income tax A tax system that provides income support to people or families below the poverty line.
3. The negative income tax system was first put forward by milton friedman of the University of Chicago and later developed by western economists.