The most fake one? Value investment? .
Its falsehood lies in its irrefutable universality. The value orientation of the stock market itself and the preaching of big coffee, especially Buffett's successful example, cannot help but convince investors. But in fact, most investors don't know what value investment is, or even how to analyze value. In most cases, value investment is distorted into self-comfort after the stock is quilted, or wishful thinking enters the stock market to seek value returns, or does completely speculative things under the guise of value investment. This idea didn't play its due role at all, at least in most cases of A shares, so it is false. It is better to give up this concept directly and admit generously that I am here to make money by speculation, then the understanding of the transaction will be much smoother. In addition, I think the key of value investment lies in value regression and value growth, so the corresponding is to find value depression and high growth expectation.
The second most fake? Don't chase up and kill down, throw high and suck low? .
I used to be a TV station, but now I'm a big V on the Internet. Do you always have a strong heart? Don't chase up and kill down, throw high and suck low? . A very simple truth, what is high and what is low? You talk about trends every day. What are you talking about? Looking at Kweichow Moutai Gree Electric has risen hundreds of times in 20 years, can it only be earned if it is higher? Chasing more quilts, not chasing up and down, the blocked person is speechless. It's been a long time. A painful lesson? Besides? Bitter? Preaching makes 1 year or more, and the stock market that has been in the market for less than 5 years has become a new force. They like to be the bottom pick-up man or want to sell as soon as it rises. Homeopathic trading is originally chasing up and killing down. Let's think clearly about how to chase up and down, let the market trend bring profits, and let the market signal cut off losses.
The third is the most fake? I am in a bad mood? .
People often attribute the mistakes in trading to bad mentality, failure to stay up when it goes up, impulsive entry and quilt cover, and so on. In fact, real trading does not need to be doped with one's own mentality, but only needs trading signals and operations. Usually, people who say that they are in a state of mind are people who don't understand trading signals or can't fully trust them. What I want to say is that although psychological problems exist objectively, they should not be used as a shield to cover up real problems. Without a foundation, you can't support your mentality. Standing at the age of 30, not confused at the age of 40, after knowing the truth of being a man and doing things, we should accept it, trust it, open this carefully arranged spiritual cage as soon as possible, admit, accept, jump out, control and forget, and finally all that remains is the system and signal.
To sum up, there are actually many such concepts, and the list is endless. But as I said at the beginning, it's not that it's wrong, but that retail investors don't ask for a solution, which leads to the deformation of the concept. After using it, they lost money and became fake. The simple road often leads to the inability of future generations to enter the Tao, so calm down and go deep into it. Only when art enters the Tao can the Tao be transformed into art and become the way to make money.
I wish everyone an early admission, okay? Fake? The truth, find the real dawn.