the Ni-Cu alloy (Monel alloy Ni 7 Cu3) produced in the United States in 195 is the earliest nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloy. In 1914, the United States began to produce Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu corrosion-resistant alloy (Illium R), and in 192, Germany began to produce Ni-Cr-Mo corrosion-resistant alloy containing about 15% Cr and 7% Mo. In the 197s, there were nearly 5 kinds of corrosion resistant alloys produced in various countries. Among them, Ni-Cu,Ni-Cr,Ni-Mo, Ni-Cr-Mo(W), Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu and Ni-Fe-Cr, Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo are widely used, and there are more than ten brands. China began to develop nickel-based and iron-nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys in 195s, and by the end of 197s, there were more than ten brands.