1996 is the year of Bingzi. Bing belongs to fire, Zi is rat, Heavenly stem Bing is Yang fire, Earthly branch Zi is Yang water, it is the sign of water overcoming fire, so people born in 1996 are fire rats. Therefore, people born in this year are also called Fire Rats. Fire Rats are intelligent, knowledgeable in civil and military affairs, and will have children to rely on early in life, while those born late will ensure safety. If the husband and wife are harmonious, it will be beneficial to wealth. In old age, there will be great prosperity. If the woman is virtuous, it will be prosperous. Traditional assessments are precise. Fire Rats are smart, capable, and a sociable person. They like all activities, whether it is for peace and moral spirituality or material benefits, Fire Rat people will be very involved.
Most of the Rat people born in 1996 are smart and handsome, and often have opportunities to be promoted. They are distinguished by noble people and can become useful talents. They have no worries about food and clothing throughout their lives, and women are prone to discord with their mother-in-law. Couples often argue. The most fearful thing about doing things is uncertainty. The personality is relatively subjective, and the yin and yang of things are reversed, and there is a risk of success and failure. It is common for all things to be completed or ended due to a combination of circumstances. Parents are not close, brothers are not harmonious; careers change frequently, and loneliness is common in old age.
Born in July: Rats are born in July. During the Slight Heat, the air is hot and sunny, bright and joyful, and spring is everywhere. However, beware of the scorching sun and the body suffering from diseases. Although you are thirsty, it is a good place to live. Build more water sources on the banks of rivers, lakes and seas, and be successful in your life.
Marriage fortune
Rat people born in 1996 are people with very rich inner emotions. Both men and women have a gentle and delicate heart, so they treat their partners with kindness. They are very tolerant and gentle at all times, and very considerate and caring for their partners. Because of this, the partners and wives of the Rat people will feel completely safe and happy; gentle, tolerant and considerate, the Rat people are in love. These advantages can make their emotional path very smooth and make their marriage and family very happy! Therefore, people born in the Year of the Rat in 1996 will have a very happy marriage in their lifetime.