Consumer fraud, as its name implies, is a fraud that exists in the field of consumption. Consumer fraud is a poor means for unscrupulous businessmen to promote their products and services. The purpose is to crowd out competitors and seize the market, so as to grab high profits. For consumers, consumer fraud has seriously violated their right to know and fair trade, making consumers unable to obtain satisfactory products and services through trading behavior and damaging their legitimate rights and interests; For the market economic order, products and services promoted by fraudulent means are often of poor quality and cheap price, and unscrupulous operators maliciously seize market share by fraudulent means, disrupting normal business order and causing unfair competition.
The specific forms of consumer fraud are:
Selling adulterated, counterfeit and shoddy goods;
Using false or improper means to make the quantity of goods sold insufficient;
Selling counterfeit goods such as "defective products", "defective products" and "defective products";
Selling goods at false "clearance price", "sale price", "lowest price", "preferential price" or other deceptive prices;
Selling goods by false commodity descriptions, commodity standards, physical samples, etc.;
Not selling goods with their real names and marks;
Hire others to induce deceptive sales;
Conduct false live demonstrations and explanations;
Using radio, television, movies, newspapers and other mass media to make false propaganda on commodities;
Defrauding consumers of prepayments;
Using mail order sales to defraud the price without providing or not providing the goods according to the appointment conditions;
Selling goods by means of false "sales with prizes" or "sales with repayment of capital";
Deceive consumers by other fraudulent or improper means.