1, in the process of commodity circulation, circulation information will realize its use value as well as its ().
A, value b, exchange value
C, value appreciation D, value transformation
1, determining the location of the distribution center with the "center of gravity method" is to determine the location of local goods () and make the location of the distribution center close to this key point.
A, transportation cost center of gravity b, transportation distance center of gravity
C, transportation center of gravity D, transportation service center of gravity
2, the first step of retail store location is to describe and evaluate the available ().
Location b, downtown
C, format d, customer base
3, the overall goal of the circulation industry organization policy is to promote effective competition, which means ()
First, it can be compatible with competition vitality and economies of scale.
B, can only achieve moderate competition among enterprises in the industry.
C, can only achieve moderate competition of enterprise economies of scale.
D, can be compatible with centralized and monopolistic competition.
4. The supply and demand of commodity market determines the formation of equilibrium price. When demand remains constant and supply increases, the equilibrium price will be ()
A, increase B, decrease
C, keep constant d, deflection
5, a small change in price will cause the change of infinite supply, this situation is called ().
A, supply is elastic, b, supply is inelastic.
C, complete supply elasticity D, supply unit elasticity
6, in the enterprise organization theory, Gini coefficient is one of the indicators to measure ().
A, market concentration B, product differentiation
C, market performance D, market behavior
7. Absolute cost advantage, economies of scale and product differentiation are important factors in the market ().
A, concentration b, relative concentration
C, entry barriers d, exit barriers
8. Compared with spot trading, the most striking feature of futures trading is ().
A. It has a fixed trading place. B. It can be traded through the Internet.
C, dealing with special commodities D, buying and selling standardized futures contracts
9, commodity circulation enterprise strategy, is the commodity circulation enterprises in the face of rapidly changing business environment, in order to seek long-term survival and sustainable development ().
A, overall planning B, overall management
C, basic planning D, basic management
10, the five basic competitiveness in the strategic analysis of commodity circulation enterprises was put forward by ().
A, Drucker B, Michael Porter
Philip kotler D. Hamel