The average opening price is the average price to go long or short. The average price of buying and opening positions refers to the opening price of multiple positions adjusted by multiple holders. The average selling opening price refers to the adjusted position price of empty bill holders. If the selling price is lower than the original average opening price, or the buying price is higher than the original average opening price, then the average opening price will rise. If the selling price is higher than the original average opening price, or the buying price is lower than the original average opening price, then the average opening price will be reduced.
The average price of positions is divided into the average price of buying positions and the average price of selling positions. When an investor holds a long position, the settlement price of the variety on the previous day will be displayed in the average price column of the buying position, and when an investor holds a short position, the settlement price of the variety on the previous day will be displayed in the average price column of the selling position.
2. Different deadlines
The average price of buying positions is divided into profit and loss according to the futures settlement price of the day. If the position is opened on the same day, the average price of the buying position and the buying position should be the same before the settlement on the same day.
The average price of buying and opening positions is the weighted average price of all orders you hold now according to the number of positions opened. This price will not change. The opening price is the point where you buy and sell. After holding a position overnight, after settlement, the price of your position the next day is the settlement price of the previous day.
3. Different influences
In a trading account, the average opening price is the average price for opening or keeping contract positions in your trading account.
The average position price means that the average position price on the opening day of the contract is the same as the average position price, and the average position price every day thereafter is the average position price of the account calculated according to yesterday's settlement price.
In fact, the average position price has no effect on the profit and loss display, but only reflects the profit and loss of the position, which is what we often call floating profit and loss; Play a role in reminding investors. The calculation of profit and loss of a single transaction is still based on the difference between the opening price and the closing price.
Baidu encyclopedia-average opening price
Baidu encyclopedia-average position price