Because many investors like to trade stocks with institutional seats, this is because all stocks bought by institutional seats in individual stocks have a high probability of rising the next day. However, investors should pay attention to some stocks that are still taken over by institutions at high positions and remain rational. After all, it is not ruled out that the high-level takeover of the institution is only to cooperate with the banker to better ship, and then investors will only be trapped at the top of the mountain, while the institution will quietly flee.
Many things, which retail investors are more concerned about, have become traps. After-hours public trading information, that is, the list of dragons and tigers that investors often say, is originally intended to let investors know the movements of large households and know who is buying and selling. But now, this dragon and tiger list has become a place where retail investors look for "institutional seats". Investors hope to find investment opportunities from it, but at the same time, bankers also hope that retail investors can see the information they want retail investors to see, that is, institutional seats that investors can see.