StICKLINE (closing, 30, 40, 4, 1), COLOR404000.
STICKLINE(CLOSE,20,30,4, 1),COLOR404000
STICKLINE(CLOSE,0,20,4, 1),COLOR404000
STICKLINE(CLOSE,0, 10,4, 1),COLOR404000
XA_ 1:=EMA(CLOSE,5);
XA_4:=MA (closing price,10);
XA_6:=EMA(SLOPE(CLOSE,2 1)*20+CLOSE,55);
XA _ 7:= CLOSE & gt; XA _ 3;
XA _ 8:= CLOSE & gt; XA _ 4;
XA _ 9:= CLOSE & gt; XA _ 5;
XA _ 10:= XA _ 3 & gt; XA _ 4;
XA _ 1 1:= XA _ 3 & gt; XA _ 5;
XA_ 12:=REF(XA_5, 1);
XA _ 13:= XA _ 5 & gt; XA _ 12;
XA_ 14:=IF(XA_7, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_8, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_9, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_ 10, 10
XA _ 15:= ATAN((XA _ 1/REF(XA _ 1, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
XA _ 16:= ATAN((XA _ 2/REF(XA _ 2, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
XA _ 17:= CLOSE & gt; XA_6 and OPEN & gtXA_6 and close & gt open and xa _15 > 50 and xa _16 >; 70;
XA _ 18:= FILTER(XA _ 17, 13);
XA _ 19:= XA _ 18 & lt; =0;
XA _ 20:= bars last(NOT(XA _ 19));
XA_2 1:=MA (low+(high-low)/2,26) *1.15;
XA_22:=MA (low+(high-low)/2,26) * 0.95;
XA _ 23:=(XA _ 2 1+XA _ 22)/2;
XA_24:=(MA (off, 5)+MA (on, 5))/2 *1.06;
XA_25:=(MA (off, 5)+MA (on, 5))/2 * 0.98;
XA _ 26:=(XA _ 24+XA _ 25)/2;
XA _ 27:= XA _ 24 & gt; XA _ 22
XA _ 28:= XA _ 24 & gt; XA _ 23
XA _ 29:= XA _ 24 & gt; XA _ 2 1;
XA _ 30:= XA _ 26 & gt; XA _ 22
XA _ 3 1:= XA _ 26 & gt; XA _ 23
XA _ 32:= XA _ 26 & gt; XA _ 2 1;
XA _ 33:= XA _ 25 & gt; XA _ 22
XA _ 34:= XA _ 25 & gt; XA _ 23
XA _ 35:= XA _ 25 & gt; XA _ 2 1;
XA_36:=IF(XA_27, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_28, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_29, 10,0- 10)+IF(XA_30, 10,0- 10)
Xa _ 37: = EMA (EMA (closing, 13), 13),13);
XA_38:=ATAN((XA_37/REF(XA_37, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
XA _ 39:= XA _ 38 & gt; 0;
XA _ 40:= bars last(NOT(XA _ 39));
XA_4 1:=(CLOSE-LLV (low, 2 1))/(HHV (high, 2 1)-LLV (low, 21)) *100;
XA_42:=CEILING(SMA(XA_4 1, 13,8));
XA _ 43:= XA _ 42 & lt; 10 and XA_ 14=(-60) and xa _15 <; (-60);
XA _ 44:= bars last(NOT(XA _ 43 & lt; 1));
Adhesion line (XA _ 43>0, 1, 9,3, 1), COLORRED
STICKLINE(XA_ 18= 1, 1 1, 19,3, 1),COLORMAGENTA
STICKLINE(XA_36= 10 and ref (xa _ 36 <; 10, 1),2 1,29,3, 1),COLORGREEN
Drawing number (XA _ 39> = 0,36, XA_40), COLORWHITE
DrawingNo. (XA_36 & gt = 0,26, XA _ 36), COLORWHITE
DrawingNo. (XA _ 36 & LT0,26,0), COLORWHITE
Drawing number (xa _18 <; = 1, 16,XA_20),COLORWHITE
DrawingNo. (XA _ 43> = 0,6, XA_44), with white color.