The uncertainty of financial risks, the objectivity and universality of financial risks, the potential, superposition and accumulation of financial risks, the expansion and contagion of financial risks.
1. Uncertainty of financial risks. Uncertainty is an essential characteristic of financial risk, but it does not mean that financial risk is unmeasurable. After mastering certain information, probability theory and statistical strategies can be used to predict the possibility of risk outcomes and further measure and manage financial risks.
2. The objectivity and universality of financial risks. Objective existence means that the occurrence of financial risks is a phenomenon that exists objectively and does not depend on human subjective will. Universality means that financial risks are ubiquitous and present at all times. Financial risks may be lurking in every industry, financial instrument, operating institution and every transaction.
3. The potential, superposition and accumulation of financial risks. There is a huge information asymmetry between finance and fund demanders, and financial entities have incomplete information about changes in financial asset prices. Therefore, financial risks have great potential, and risk factors at the same point in time will They are intertwined, interact, influence each other, and are constantly superimposed and accumulated in various financial institutions.
4. The expansion and contagion of financial risks. In the financial market of a certain region, various financial assets and various financial institutions are intertwined and closely connected, forming a complex system. Price fluctuations will be transmitted between different financial assets, and different financial institutions will also show *** The characteristics of glory and damage. In addition, international financial connections are becoming increasingly close, and financial risks will be transmitted from one country to another through various means, showing the characteristics of cross-border contagion.