What does the following date mean for crude oil WTI 190 1 in RMB account?
The first RMB crude oil account is not a real futures exchange crude oil futures account, but a docking account of various platforms. Some of these platforms are formal platforms, such as banks, and some are unsecured illegal private platforms. The design patterns of various platforms are quite different. The following dates may have different meanings, but they can be analyzed by exclusion method. First of all, it is certain that it is not the last trading day or the last delivery day. Because this is a 1 month contract, the remaining possible meaningful dates are nothing more than the limited date of guarantee withdrawal near the delivery month and the limited date of extension to 1902. Judging from most domestic platforms, the second option is more likely, and I hope it will help. In addition, it is suggested that the second-hand dealer platform should not participate, and the transaction cost is surprisingly higher than that of the exchange. If the above is really an extension, there will be some service charges.