All kinds of basic? Must be completed.
What about the server and customer content? Entering.
Param = & gtCsv button
Tantra Read tpaCsv file and output.
If you check the PramNameGet check box (as above), Ta
NtraParam。 Get a name change from tpa.
To use this desktop capability
HTLauncher.exe version 4.8.0. 1 (mutual? ) There are no tanned customers.
Tlapa ram's name. TantraParam_Name.tpa changed to tpa.
Put it in this folder.
If you select the fxPCNameGet check box (as above)
FxPC。 Get the name change from txl.
To use this table
The ability version can be changed to txl because of the name of FXCP. FXCP _ name。 TXL can be changed.
Put it in this folder.
TantraParam.tpaTantraParamS of the server. Please read tpa after changing the file name.
The customer's TantraParam.tpaTantraParamC. Please read tpa after changing the file name.
The customer version of TantraParam.tpa is 4. 1.2.0 (mutual? ) come out.
From Csv => parameter
Button to output Csv file. Make tpa.
Because both the output server and the client request it in advance
Output Csv files of both parties.
Read in the file names TantraParamS.tpa and TantraParamC. Made a Csv file with tpa? Close,
Tantra There is no csv file TantraParam Please use it as a csv.
What a terrible translation! ! ~ ~ Forgive me ~ ~ My ability is limited! ! I'm really sorry ... just make do with it. ...