Last Name Second Name (First Name) (First Name+Last Name in English)
Gender male and female (gender)
Date of birth (year of birth)
Address line 1 (address, first line)
Address line 2 (address, second line)
City (residential city)
State/province (province) -AK AA AE Al Zhuo Yifeng Asazca CT DC de FL FM Ga Guh IIA ID IL in KKKY Mara MD MM MM MM MM MP MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ nm NV NY OH OK or PAPR PWRI SC SD TN TX UT VA VI VT WA WIWY (I don't know the website you registered, so I can't translate it specifically)-or/and.
postal code
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E-mail address (e-mail address)
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The name of the configuration file (configuration name, I don't know what website you registered here can't be translated more accurately) is added to the mailing list of the machine shop.